How to contact the Belfius customer service?

To contact Belfius customer service in Belgium, you can use the following methods:

  1. Phone: You can reach Belfius customer service by calling their dedicated phone number. The exact phone number may vary depending on the type of assistance you require. Their general customer service number is 02 222 12 02.
  2. Email: Belfius also provides an email option for customer inquiries. You can send an email to their customer service team at Make sure to include all relevant details and your contact information so they can assist you effectively.
  3. Online Contact Form: Belfius has an online contact form available on their website. You can visit the Belfius official website, navigate to the “Contact” or “Customer Service” section, and fill out the form with your query or concern. Provide your contact details so that they can get back to you.
  4. Social Media: Belfius maintains a presence on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. You can reach out to them through their official social media accounts by sending a direct message or posting a public message with your query. They usually respond to customer inquiries through these channels.
  5. Belfius local branches: If you prefer face-to-face interaction, you can visit a nearby Belfius branch. Their staff will be able to assist you with your banking and customer service needs.

Remember to have your relevant account details or customer information on hand when contacting Belfius customer service to expedite the process and ensure accurate assistance.

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